Miriams Circle November 2013

Miriams Circle November 2013

Miriams Circle November 2013

Dear friends,

The November full moon rises on Sunday 17th

This is the date of our next gathering

Theme : Eleanor Roosevelt “First Lady of the World


“A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.”

Eleanor Roosevelt, who died November 7 in 1962, remains a powerful inspiration to leaders in both the civil rights and women’s movements –

Her example influenced many women of her generation, and the next, to achieve more than the constraints of their position in society seemed at first to allow.  We could begin our reflections on her by thinking of what we expect nowadays of ‘first ladies’ and what they actually offer: from Jackie Kennedy to Michelle Obama; or nearer home, from Winnie Mandela to the Zuma ladies.  Any other inspirational (or non-inspirational) women too, if they are relevant to us in our world.

It would also be good if we could think about any connections between the women and the many festivals that are celebrated this month – Diwali, Muharram and Hanukkah for example.

The theme given on the calendar is ‘spinning sacred threads’ so let’s see if we can do this in finding such connections.


 Time: 19:0 0 – 21:00

Place: Betsy & Dina’s house

Sagewoman: Margaret Daymond


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