Miriam’s Circle
A circle of creative spirituality and ritual for women.
Dear friends,
The April full moon rises on Thursday 25th
This is the date of our next gathering
Theme: Gathering bundles for Healing
For some folk bundles of herbs conjure up
a vision of the healing powers of wholesome food.
While for others gathering plants and flowers evokes
the fragrant memory of magical potions…
But healing can come from a diverse selection of gatherings, or bundles…
If the word ‘heal’ comes from the root ‘hale’ or ‘whole’
to heal means to make whole…
and to be in need of healing is simply needing
to regain our balance, our wholeness.
Thus, gathering bundles is an imperative !
To be wholly who we are.
Please think about the bundles you have gathered over the years:
Bundles that restore your wholeness, heal the fragmented-ness
Maybe it is in the cherished bundles of photos
or in the carefully bound sheets of poems…?
Where do you go to gather when you need healing…
Please Bring something from your bundle,
A symbol of the healing in some or other way.
Time: 19:0 0 – 21:00
Place: Betsy & Dina’s house
Sagewoman: Jenny Sprong
RSVP: 031 2095895/ 0739612445
Hope you can come!
New friends are welcome
To cover costs: R10