The iSangoma series image the ecstatic dance of the traditional healers of Africa and celebrate their attunement to the powers of nature. This is a tribute and celebration of the traditional women healers, the Sanusi, who mediate between the Spirit world and the Natural world, who help us pay heed to the voices of our ancestors.
Early in the ‘90’s I watched a 20 minute documentary made by Gugu Ngobese “Calling the Zulu Goddess Home”. This deeply moving account of a 3 day festival in KwaZulu-Natal to revive an ancient ritual to celebrate Nomkhubulwane inspired me to attempt to image the ecstatic dance of the iSangoma and celebrate their attunement to the powers of nature. These few ikons are offered in reverence to the bearers of the wisdom of the Ancient Ones.
- Makhosi ! the Herbalists.
- Makhosi ! the Healers.
- Makhosi ! the Trance Dancers.
- Makhosi ! the Drummers.
- Makhosi ! Dreamcatchers.
- Makhosi ! Bone Keepers.
- 9. Makhosi ! Summoners of Umbilini.
- 7. Makhosi ! Spirit protectors.
- Makhosi ! Voices from the ancestors.
- Sketch 15
- Sketch 6